Ok, now we are getting somewhere. This is a comic creator's blog, after all. Let's see what Kid Me thought of Spiderman.
Ok, one thing: he thought long and hard about Spiderman's arms. Man, look at those things.
I loved Spiderman. He was my Favorite Superhero after my Batman phase (I'll refrain from going into the details
of my Batman phase).
He had a lot going for him, that guy. He was strong. He was acrobatic. Unlike Batman, he
had actual super powers (I know a lot of people love that about Batman, but for me it seemed cooler to be objectively superhuman). Most importantly, he was a smart
alec. I dreamed of having the presence of mind to actually say
something witty in high pressure situations. In real life, I think I mostly stared.
Maybe sometimes I got in a good gape.